Support EMSI

In addition to funding from memberships, grants, and sponsorships, the Society accepts gifts of cash and in-kind donation to sustain its operations and assure its long-term sustainability. These gifts help to underwrite the the concert season and to promote the appreciation of Early Music in the community.

Tax-deductible donations, may be made to either the operating fund or the Early Music Society of the Islands Endowment Fund.

Please contact our Treasurer and Fundraising Director, for information on allocating your donation or bequest to the Society.

For guidance relating to gifts in support of a specific concert, the Executive and Artistic Director Bill Jamieson would be pleased to discuss the opportunities available.

Donate to the Operating Fund

Gifts to the Operating Fund can be made:

♦    online: scroll down to the bottom of this page to make a single or monthly donation through Canada Helps with your credit card or PayPal. Select “Annual Operating Fund” from the drop-down menu.
♦    through your employer with Canada Helps. If your employer participates in the United Way or similar employee campaign, you can indicate “Early Music Society of the Islands 11889-0367-RR0001” on your pledge card.

Sponsor a Concert or an Artist

Support your favourite program or artist through sponsorship. As a sponsor, you will be a major factor in bringing the kind of early music performance you most value to Victoria. Your generosity will be acknowledged from the stage and in written materials. That acknowledgement will demonstrate your support for EMSI and encourage similar support from others.


Season sponsor: $10,000
Concert sponsor: $2,500
Artist sponsor: $1,500
Supporting sponsor: $1,000

Email us at to begin the discussion of your involvement in our mission to present the finest the early music world has to offer.

Donate to the Society’s Future

The EMSI Endowment Fund is managed on our behalf by the Victoria Foundation. Each year a portion of the investment income is given as an operating grant to EMSI and the balance reinvested. Recently, these grants have been eligible to receive up to 100% in matching funds from government arts initiatives. The monies assist us in our season, allowing us to present artists who would otherwise be unaffordable.

Gifts to the Endowment Fund can be made:

♦   by mail (cheque payable to “Early Music Society of the Islands – Endowment Fund”) to:
EMSI Donations
c/o Victoria Foundation,
109-645 Fort St., Victoria BC, V8W 1G2
♦    online: scroll down to donate through Canada Helps with your credit card or PayPal. Choose “Early Music Endowment Fund” from the drop-down menu.

Planned Gifts

Along with their love and respect of the genre, early music supporters often share a keen sense of history and legacy.
You have enjoyed our concerts over the years and your planned gift is a living reminder of your wish to carry that support of the Society into the future.
Regardless of current assets or income, you can set up a Legacy plan.
Many forms of gifts are possible:

  • bequests in wills
  • life insurance
  • direct designation of RRSPs, RIFs, Tax Free Savings Accounts
  • donor advised funds
  • publicly listed securities
  • private company shares
  • land

A most helpful Victoria Foundation guide to exploring giving options can be found here.

For further information you can contact the Society’s Fundraising Director

The Victoria Foundation
#200 – 703 Broughton Street,
Victoria, BC, V8W 1E2

Corporate Sponsorship

Your corporate sponsorship allows you to get in front of, and associate your company with, a valuable demographic by showcasing your commitment to Victoria’s cultural life.

Benefits include promotional opportunities, complimentary tickets to events and access to artists.

Take advantage of a unique opportunity this year to identify your company with our exciting upcoming opera production and 40th Anniversary Season.

Learn more about opportunities and benefits (click on the image below):

Thank you for your generosity in supporting early music on southern Vancouver Island!

To discuss how you would like to support EMSI, please contact the Society: