Tickets for the 2024-25 season

*** A Flex Pass allows you to choose your concert dates now or later. ***

Concert Tickets

Main Series $35

Special Christmas Concert $45

Premiere opera celebration $85/$95/$125

No fees will be added to ticket prices!

Special Pricing

Seniors: main series concerts $31.50, special December concert $42.

Students (school age and post-secondary): FREE at the door.

Premiere opera celebration: 15% discount on purchase of full table of 8 seats.

Note: If financial hardship prevents you from attending, please contact us for possible alternatives.

Flex Pass

Purchase a Flex Pass at significant savings. No need to decide now which concerts you will attend; use your Flex Pass to obtain a ticket anytime before the concert. Your Flex Pass may be used to bring along a guest and introduce them to the pleasures of world-class Early Music performances.

When you buy a Flex Pass, you will be awarded vouchers that you may redeem to get tickets for the concerts in the season that you wish to attend.

Flex Passes are valid for the six main series concerts, but not the September dinner opera event, or special Christmas concert which is presented in collaboration with Early Music Vancouver and Christ Church Cathedral.

All Flex Passes include membership in the Society.

4 concert Flex Pass    $133 Regular  $120 Seniors
6 concert Flex Pass    $190 Regular  $170 Seniors

Note that the process for utilizing your Flex Pass has changed from past years.


Flex Passes include membership in the Society. However, if you do not wish to subscribe to multiple concerts, you may still purchase an annual membership for $20.

Some of the benefits of membership:

  • Right to vote at Annual General Meeting
  • Discount on purchase of CDs
  • Free music-related ads in concert programs

How to Buy Tickets


  • No service fees will be added.
  • Subscription, member, and senior discounts will be applied automatically.
  • Tickets can be printed at home or saved on your mobile device, or simply give us your name at the door.
  • Please consider adding a donation to EMSI when you order your tickets.

You can go to our Tix ticketing site any time to view your past orders, view and reprint tickets or redeem your Flex Pass Vouchers. To access your Tix account, go to Access account  and log in with your password

Alternatively, when you are at our Tix ticketing page, you can click on the user icon to sign in to your account.

The user icon  looks like this:    and can be found in the upper-right corner under the banner to sign in. Once you have signed in, click again on the icon to choose to see your account, tickets, orders or Flex Pass vouchers.

If you have any questions or are having trouble with our ticketing process, feel free to call us at 250-882-5058 or email us at, and we will be happy to help you with the process.

At the Venue

  • Free admission at the door for youth and students.
  • Senior discounts available.
  • Cash and credit/debit cards accepted.
  • Doors open at 6:45 pm.

Need Assistance?

If you are unable to order tickets online, or if you prefer to pay by cheque, please call EMSI at 250 882 5058. We will return your call to assist you with your purchase.

Questions may also be directed to